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Anti-fraud Professional

The Anti-Fraud Professional course is a state of the art training which meets the need for expertise in the field of internal and external fraud. You will get the tools to identify, analyse and mitigate fraud risks in your organisation. The teaching material aligns with the common practice of an organisation and offers a successful mix of theory and practice.


The course is particularly designed for officers who are preventing fraud within their organisation, both in private as well as the public sector. You can think of officers with a duty to investigate fraud, audit or compliance function, controllers, in and external accountants, head of administration, internal auditors, risk managers, insurance managers, in and external legal advisors, forensic accountants, facility and security managers.


The concept

The concept of fraud in the Anti-Fraud Professional course is structured around the so called fraud circle:



















More information

For more information about this training you can contact IMF Academy





Schermafbeelding 2016-11-27 om 16.13.16.
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