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Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE)

Professionals who enter the accounting and finance field can pursue many different career opportunities, but those wanting to become involved in the investigation and resolution of potential fraud, or its prevention, may want to consider a career as a Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE).


With the right kind of training and experience, CFEs can act in roles that combine law, criminology, and investigation with accounting, according to the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE), which offers the CFE credential. CFEs might sift through accounting books and financial records looking for patterns that could indicate fraud, as well as interview potential suspects, write final reports, or even testify in court. They may be employed as audit specialists, internal or external auditors, or forensic accountants.


Having this CFE credential can provide an advantage when competing for a job against some who is not similarly certified. Most commonly, the CFE job candidate will be selected over someone who does not have the certification and their salary may be more than 30 percent higher than those without certification.


Authorised trainer

Within the Benelux we are the authorised trainer for the CFE Exam Review Course. The supplier of the course is International Management Forum (IMF). Please visit their website for more information.

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